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VCA Animal Hospitals- Corporate Professional

Jun 21st, 2024 at 04:12   Pet Services   San Antonio   33 views Reference: 14468

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Location: San Antonio

General Information

At VCA, your pet's health is our top priority and excellent service is our goal. We treat each pet knowing it is an extension of your family. Our dedicated staff of veterinarians, board certified specialists, and technicians strive each day to give your pet the very best in medical care. We understand how important it is to have a local veterinarian you can trust and who, most importantly, knows your pet almost as well as you. With nearly 600 hospitals in 42 States, we've built a network of trusted local animal health providers giving the finest care for the pets in your family. We invite you to get to know our caring staff! New VCA patients are eligible for a FREE First Exam - a risk-free opportunity to learn what makes VCA so different.


We're looking forward to meeting you and your pet and demonstrating our commitment to providing your pet the highest quality care!


All of our hospitals are fully equipped with the latest in medical technology and we offer a full range of general and specialized medical and surgical treatments and services including:Advanced diagnostic services (MRI, CT Scan, Radiology)Annual Pet Check-upsBlood AnalysisBoardingCardiology (HeartCirculatory System (Vascular Care)Dentistry (Care of the Teeth, Gums & Mouth)Dermatology (Skin Care)Diet & NutritionDisease TreatmentEmergency Care (at select hospital locations)Flea & Tick ControlGeneral CareGroomingHeartworm Disease Treatment (Canine & Feline)Internal medicineLab TestingMedicationsMicrochippingNeurology (Brain, Nervous System & Spinal Cord)Oncology (Cancer Care & Treatment)Ophthalmology (Eye Care)Pain ManagementParasite ControlPeriodontal Disease TreatmentPet Wellness ExamsPhysical ExaminationsPreventive CarePuppy & Kitten WellnessSenior Pet WellnessSpay & NeuterSpecialty CareSurgery & Surgical ServicesUrinalysisVaccines & VaccinationsWeight Loss Programs

Location Description

VCA operates nearly 600 animal hospitals in 42 States staffed with hundreds of experienced veterinarians.

Accepted Payment Method(s)

amex, Check, Debit, Discover, Master Card, Visa

Website: http://clickserve.dartsearch.net/link/click?lid=43000000365281561

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