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United Mechanical Professional

Jun 21st, 2024 at 05:25   Home Services   11540 Plano RdDallas, TX 75243   45 views Reference: 18344

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General Information

Facilities Our main office is located on 4-1/2 Acres in North Dallas. This facility consists of 20,000 square feet of office building and 50,000 square feet of shop/warehouse that is home to our 190+ full time employees. Our Richardson, Texas, branch office is set up to accommodate the needs of our "Special Projects" customers. This site has a specialized stock of materials for the semi-conductor industry and has a clean room materials fabrication shop. For the convenience and benefit of our customers, United Mechanical stocks and maintains over one million dollars worth of inventory. This inventory enables our technicians and mechanics to respond to customer emergencies more quickly. United Mechanical has over one million dollars invested to keep our technicians equipped with the latest tools and equipment. United Mechanical maintains a fleet of over 80 trucks and we employ a full time mechanic who performs regularly scheduled preventative maintenance. Safety The safety of our employees and your job site is a high priority to United Mechanical. We work very closely with each client to comply with their in-house safety requirements and take great pride in our common goal of maintaining an accident free workplace. We have developed an aggressive safety program involving all areas of plumbing, sheet metal, pipe fitting, and welding safety procedures. Our safety program is administered and maintained by our in-house safety director and staff which conduct regularly scheduled safety meetings and job site inspections. Our safety staff keep our safety logs and records updated in accordance with governing authorities. For a detailed list of our safety certifications, please contact us.

Opening Information

Regular Hours
Mon - Sun:Open 24 Hours

Other Information(s)

Services: Residential Heating, Ventilating
and Air Conditioning Services
TACLA012107C Air Conditioning License Number 
 Preventative Maintenance Programs
Repair / Replacement: 

Condensing Units 
Heat Pumps, Air Source
Heat Pumps, Water Source

Computerized Control Systems
Exhaust Systems
Water & Air Balancing
Exhaust Hoods
Air Filtration

 Residential Plumbing Service
M-18673 Masters Plumbing License Number
 Preventative Maintenance Programs

 Repair / Replacement:
 Water Heaters
Heat Exchanger
Plumbing Fixtures 
Shower Pans
Gas Piping 
Water Piping 
Sewer and Drain Lines 

Utility Rooms 
Commercial / Industrial
 United Mechanical provides complete mechanical services, including but not limited to: 

HVAC, Plumbing, Piping, Welding, Metal Fabrication, Maintenance, Controls, Design Build, Service & Installation. 

United Mechanical has performed work for many companies and individuals.

If you would like to speak with someone about types of work performed in the past by United Mechanical, please contact Mr. Brian Chester at 214-341-2042.


Fabrication Services 
Stock Metals and Materials
Steel Weight Charts - Carbon or Stainless 

Special Projects
 United Mechanical's Special Projects Division specializes in projects that are technically specific or non-typical.
 United Mechanical's Special Projects Managers

Brian Frampton
Jim Murdock

Alternative Fuels 

CNG - Compressed Natural Gas
LNG - Liquid Natural Gas 

Clean Room Projects 

Heating, Ventilating and Air Conditioning 

Facilities Support

Specialty Fabrication 

Sheet Metal
Structural Steel
Structural Aluminum 

Location Description

11540 Plano Road, Dallas, Texas just south of Forest Lane

Accepted Payment Method(s)

discover, Visa, Mastercard, All Major Credit Cards, Check, Amex


Lake Highlands, Northeast Dallas

Website: http://www.unitedmechanical.com

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