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Tortaco Professional

Jun 23rd, 2024 at 07:55   Restaurants   2100 Ross Ave Ste 100Dallas, TX 75201   43 views Reference: 77012

0.0 star

General Information

BORN INTO HIS FAMILY-OWNED INDUSTRIAL MANUFACTURING MACHINE SHOP, he was introduced to the trade at an early age. Starting with odd jobs, his father soon recognized his talent and assigned him to be a production assistant. Far too creative to be confined to the day-to-day, he took off to explore the world and experience life unfiltered. Along the way, he picked up a body full of tattoos and more than a few bad habits as he hit the road on his customized â??64 motorcycle. Eventually he returned to take over his fatherâ??s legacy while putting his own mark on the shop, morphing it from its origin to customized cars, motorcycles, tattoos and now spirits, tortas and tacos.

Opening Information

Regular Hours
Mon - Fri:11:00 am - 9:00 pm

Location Description

2100 Ross Tower

Accepted Payment Method(s)

discover, Master Card, Visa, Amex, Cash


Central Dallas, Downtown Dallas, City Center District

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