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TintMaster Window Tinting Professional

Jun 29th, 2024 at 13:18   Auto Services   712 S Ivey LnOrlando, FL 32811   40 views Reference: 258837

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General Information

Tintmaster Window Tinting of Orlando was one of the first window tinting companies in the state of Florida as well as in America. It was founded by Dynamic Ed TC Wilson in 1979. After more than 33 years in the industry, we have more experience in tinting than anyone else around. We'll tint anything that needs to be tinted including vehicles, homes, and condos. If you want your vehicle, boat, home, or anything else that needs glass coating to stand out or provide you extra privacy, let us tint it for you. Our experience has taught us that it pays to use only the highest quality products and materials for what we do. Substandard products can crack and peel, but when we work on your glass, you can rest assured that the tint will hold up to the tests of time, heavy use, and all kinds of weather.

Opening Information

Regular Hours
Mon - Sat:9:00 am - 5:00 pm

Location Description

Serving the Orlando area

Accepted Payment Method(s)

amex, Debit, Discover, Master Card, Visa


Washington Park, Lake Mann Gardens

Website: http://www.windowtintmasteroforlando.com/index.html

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