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Texas Cars Professional

Jun 23rd, 2024 at 13:54   Auto Services   2718 Forest LnDallas, TX 75234   27 views Reference: 91572
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General Information

Thank you for picking up our inventory list via the internet which allows you to browse and view photos of our actual available inventory at your leisure. We have no sales people and we will not contact you unless you request. This also follows true when you decide to visit us. We will not follow you around our showroom unless you request our assistance. If you request assistance we will be happy to help. We also welcome trade-ins. When you are ready to put a deal together on a vehicle we will be happy to evaluate your trade. Many times we are asked about shipping the cars to various locations around the country. Unfortunately we do not ship the car ourselves, however we have found that Meeker Transport is a very reliable auto transport company and can assist you with your shipping needs. They can be reached at 800-936-5442 to get transport information or to make arrangements. Also, Lone Star Auto Transport is local to the Dallas area and can ship all over. Please contact Glenn Poe at ( 800 ) 240-2101 to get a quote. Texascarsdirect.com, Ltd has become well known through out the Dallas-Ft. Worth area. Even The Dallas Morning News featured an article in the Sunday paper, dated: March 4, 2001. The article is as follows: "So I put it in The Dallas Morning News, and two people showed up at the same time and started arguing over the car, " said Mr. Bulban, owner of Texas Mustang Sales in Dallas, a pre-owned car dealership that specializes in Jaguars, BMWs and Mercedes-Benz. "I put it in the paper for $500, and one guy said 'I'll give you $600, ' the other guy said '$700, ' and so forth and so on. Well, it wound up being $1, 100." "I paid my parents back and started my business unknowingly, " he said. "But I realized that I had an eye for special cars, and the business has grown from that point to where we are now the leading seller of pre-owned Jaguars in the United States. We sold 821 cars last year ; 609 of those were Jaguars." Mr. Bulban said most people aren't confused that the name of the dealership contrasts with the make of the car he mostly sells, but the company will change its name to Texas Cars Direct this summer to match its Web Address. "With the Internet, our business is coast-to-coast, " he said. "I would say that over 50 percent of our business is Dallas-Fort Worth, but we do a lot in the surrounding states. We've had a day where we sold a car to somebody in Miami and Seattle in the same day." That coast-to-coast customer base represents dramatic growth from when Mr. Bulban operated out of his house in the early 1980s. The company moved to its current Forest Lane location in 1989. "Since we've moved there, we've actually doubled our size, " Mr. Bulban said. "We have a 22, 000-square-foot indoor showroom now. That's where we keep up to 100 cars at a time."

Opening Information

Regular Hours
Mon - Fri:9:00 am - 6:00 pm
Sat - SunClosed

Other Information(s)

Wi-Fi: Free

Accepted Payment Method(s)

no Credit Cards


Northwest Dallas

Website: http://www.texascarsdirect.com

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