Solid Rock Monuments Professional
Jun 21st, 2024 at 02:43 Pet Services 4514 Cole Ave Ste 600Dallas, TX 75205 42 views Reference: 11381Location: 4514 Cole Ave Ste 600Dallas, TX 75205
General Information
We hereby certify the memorial you purchased was fabricated from the finest quality natural granite and/or true memorial bronze. We guarantee the granite used is free from defects that would render it unsuitable for memorial purposes and that it will not check, crack or disintegrate. We guarantee any bronze used is cast by one of the world’s finest foundries and that all letters, numerals and ornamentation are hand chased and highlighted. Should any part or parts of the memorial covered by this warranty ever prove to be defective in either material or workmanship, we will replace them free of all expense to the purchaser or their heirs. We regret we cannot be responsible for damage done to the memorial by moving equipment, vandalism, unusual environmental or atmospheric conditions, or natural disasters. This guarantee will be honored by the company where it was purchased or at any of the other locations listed.
Opening Information
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Location Description
Highland Park Place Building Uptown Dallas
Accepted Payment Method(s)
all Major Credit Cards
Oak Lawn, Central Dallas
pet servicesWhen you call, Don't forget to mention PortUGo whenever you will call to user. Be safe during payment.