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Robert Skipworth Attorney at Law Professional

Jun 22nd, 2024 at 06:45   Legal Services   310 N Mesa St Ste 600El Paso, TX 79901   50 views Reference: 37693

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General Information

Consult With a Civil Litigation Attorney in El Paso, Texas LET'S WORK TOGETHER TO FIND A SOLUTION Some disputes are difficult to settle outside of court. If that's the case with your dispute, Robert A. Skipworth, Attorney at Law will prepare you for litigation. Robert A. Skipworth has been a civil litigation attorney since 1971. He has trial experience you can trust. Don't wait another day to get the legal advice you need. Call 915-533-0096 today to speak with a civil litigation attorney in El Paso, Texas. Construction Law Commercial construction Law is an area of law that deals with the unique problems faced by contractors, subcontractors and owners of new or renovated structures and the application of legal principles to those problems. For instance: formation of a contract to build something to include the scope of the work change order procedures pay application procedures default remedies for the owner and builder arbitration or not in the contract determine if a bond is required and what type other items dealing with the formation of the contract All of the things mentioned can be grounds for litigation for a construction lawsuit. Robert handles both commercial construction lawsuits and residential construction lawsuits. Robert Skipworth has been involved in countless construction lawsuits, both commercial and residential He has experience in several multimillion-dollar lawsuits for subcontractors and contractors, as well as property owners.

Opening Information

Regular Hours
Mon - Fri:10:30 am - 6:00 pm
Sat - SunClosed

Website: http://rskipworthlaw.com

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