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Jun 22nd, 2024 at 14:50   Legal Services   2601 Network BlvdFrisco, TX 75034   43 views Reference: 61763

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General Information

PRIVATE INVESTIGATOR FRISCO TEXAS HOW DOES ADULTERY IMPACT THE DISTRIBUTION OF ASSETS? Unlike many states Texas courts will take into consideration the proven adultery when it becomes time to divide the marital property. In many cases the person who committed the act will end up with a lesser share as a result of their actions. In addition the courts will take into consideration any martial monies that may have been spent on the adulterous affair and distribute the assets to compensate for same. HOW DOES ADULTERY EFFECT CHILD CUSTODY? Generally a judge is going to review ones parenting ability when deciding child custody, however there are several things that could give you an advantage. If you can show spouse your spouse was dropping off the kids to be watched by another person while they went out on a "date", or even better if you can show they are bringing the children around the other person, this can have a strong impact on primary custody here in Fort Worth. WHAT CLASSIFIES ADULTERY IN TEXAS? This is very simple- having sex with someone who is not your spouse. It's considered adultery before, during or after separation. As far as proving, of course there is going to be no way we can dress up like a bush and stand inside a bedroom running a video camera. Therefore in order to prove adultery, you need a licensed investigator that can testify to the fact they documented two people behind closed doors "time & opportunity" and then witness those same two people act in some way a reasonable person would consider a romantic relationship, such as a kiss, holding hands, etc. "display of affection"

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