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Noyau Wellness Center Professional

Jun 23rd, 2024 at 08:52   Medical Services   5445 La Sierra Dr Ste 200Dallas, TX 75231   36 views Reference: 79762

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General Information

Noyau Wellness is a collaborative holistic mental health and wellness center, focusing on changing lives through counseling, nutrition consulting, massage therapy, and holistic medicine.  Founded in Dallas, Texas in 2010, Noyau utilizes expert practitioners in various fields of healing to enhance the mind, body, spirit connection.

Founders and Senior Therapists, Angela S. Taylor MA, LPC and Charity Adams MA, LPC are the visionaries behind this innovative new approach to wellness.  In a response to the lack of communication between practitioners, Taylor & Adams endeavored to design a center where collaboration was a cornerstone to a client’s treatment plan.  Noyau Wellness cultivates a deep collective determination to support and enhance the lives of their clients by regularly convening and sharing ideas amongst in-house health professionals.

The founders of Noyau have worked diligently to find the experts in each of these fields.  The therapists, dietitians, massage therapists, and holistic medical practitioners have been highly trained, educated, and worked successfully with countless clients.  They have devoted their lives to helping others restore mental and physical health so that their clients may have happiness and fulfillment in all life has to offer.  Not only is this a passion for each of these individuals, it is a way of life.  Each member of our staff works actively towards their own health and well-being.  While this is a benefit to them, it is an even greater benefit to their clients.  Being whole and at peace allows them to fully give to their clients not only through their given specialities but also life experience.

Opening Information

Regular Hours
Mon - Fri:9:00 am - 10:00 pm
Sat:10:00 am - 5:00 pm


Medical Services

Other Information(s)

Parking: Lot

Price Range : Above Average

By Appointment Only: Yes

Services: Medical Services

Accepted Payment Method(s)

all Major Credit Cards, Check, Debit


Vickery, Northeast Dallas

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