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Nimnicht Buick GMC Professional

Jun 29th, 2024 at 06:11   Auto Services   11503 Philips HwyJacksonville, FL 32256   21 views Reference: 238701
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General Information

A lot has changed over the last 75 years, but our philosophy has remained the same throughout. We aim to go the extra mile for all drivers and car buyers in Jacksonville, St. Augustine, Orange Park, and beyond. That means using all the resources of our family-owned dealership to ensure that every customer has an amazing experience every time. If you have been disappointed with the service, selection, or sales at other dealerships, experience what 75 years of excellence looks like by visiting Nimnicht Buick GMC.Once you partner with Nimnicht Buick GMC, all your automotive needs are covered. No matter what you require, you can expect our service team to get it done in less time than you expect and for a lower price than you thought possible. That includes routine maintenance like oil changes, tire rotations, and brake jobs, all completed quickly and affordably. It also includes major repairs and overhauls if you experience problems with whatever youre driving. Our trained and experienced service staff use the latest tools and equipment combined with extensive automotive expertise. This allows them to fully address a mechanical problem, not just rely on a quick fix. When you and your vehicle need quality service of any kind, the team at Nimnicht Buick GMC is equipped and eager to serve.

Opening Information

Regular Hours
Mon - Sat:9:00 am - 8:00 pm
Sun:11:00 am - 5:00 pm

Accepted Payment Method(s)

all Major Credit Cards


Deercreek, Southeast Jacksonville

Website: http://www.nimnichtbuickgmc.com

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