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NaturePest of Doral Professional

Jul 1st, 2024 at 17:08   Home Services   8180 NW 36th St Ste 320, Doral, FL 33166   37 views Reference: 272530

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General Information

ECO Friendly Pest Control Miami Since 2009 we have been providing the finest in ECO Friendly Pest Control throughout Miami Dade Florida. The same service performed in hospitals and five star hotels and restaurants to protect your health is now available for your home or business at an affordable price for any budget from $68.88 with no initial fees and no contracts. We offer convenient Saturday and evening services that fit into your schedule. We have university trained Integrated Pest Management (IPM) practitioners equipped with latest techniques, equipment and environmentally friendly products to accurately diagnose and treat and exterminate your ants, Ticks rats, mice, bees, wasps, spider, fleas, ticks, mosquitoes and bedbug pest problems giving you an environmentally friendly pest control without the harmful side affects of chemical sprays and minimally invasive procedures along with natural, organic and botanical pest control products that reduce or eliminate the need for chemical insecticide spray that can contaminate your home. Our service procedures have been proven by university studies to more effective and less toxic than traditional cheep chemical baseboard sprays for about the same price. Weather it is your home, business, lawn, palms, trees or shrubs we can serve you, our professional exterminators care to protect your property and your health from pests the diseases they spread and from the unnecessary use of pesticides that can contaminate your home.

Opening Information

Regular Hours
Mon - Sat:9:00 am - 7:00 pm

Accepted Payment Method(s)

cash, All Major Credit Cards, Debit, Visa, Master Card, Check, Discover, Mastercard, Amex



Website: http://www.naturepest.com

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