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Midici Professional

Jun 22nd, 2024 at 13:35   Restaurants   7825 Firefall WayDallas, TX 75230   47 views Reference: 57669

0.0 star

General Information

With authenticity at the heart of our work, we're passionate about bringing people together over good food and fond memories. At MidiCi, you'll find the original Italian, capital "N" Neapolitan pizza. It's crafted according to rigorous gastronomic standards that recreate how Italians invented it over 300 years ago. Here, you'll also find an atmosphere of warmth and laughter, where you can relax and focus on what matters: savoring every fresh flavor and truly connecting with friends and family.With authenticity at the heart of our work, we're passionate about bringing people together over good food and fond memories. At MidiCi, you'll find the original Italian, capital "N" Neapolitan pizza. It's crafted according to rigorous gastronomic standards that recreate how Italians invented it over 300 years ago. Here, you'll also find an atmosphere of warmth and laughter, where you can relax and focus on what matters: savoring every fresh flavor and truly connecting with friends and family.

Opening Information

Regular Hours
Mon - Thu:11:00 am - 10:00 pm
Fri - Sat:11:00 am - 11:00 pm
Sun:11:00 am - 10:00 pm


North Central Dallas

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