Mechanical Services of Central Florida Professional
Jun 29th, 2024 at 12:33 Home Services 9820 Satellite BlvdOrlando, FL 32837 30 views Reference: 257295Location: 9820 Satellite BlvdOrlando, FL 32837
General Information
MSI (Molecular Simulations Inc.) is the leading provider of simulation and modeling tools for drug discovery and chemical development. Founded in 1984, the company grew through the combination of a number of leading names in the molecular modeling industry to be the leading company in the area. MSI companies including BioDesign, Biosym, Polygen, Cambridge Molecular Design, and BioCAD. Many of these companies emerged from, or developed close links with, leading universities like Harvard, Cambridge, York and the California Institute of Technology. The company's product-line included the best-known names in modeling for drug discovery: Insight, QUANTA/CHARMm, and Cerius2 as well as the tools for materials science modeling in the Cerius2 software environment. Accelrys Inc. acquired MSI in 2001. Accelrys brings together five specialist companies--MSI, Synopsys Scientific Systems, Oxford Molecular, the Genetics Computer Group and Synomics Ltd. Accelrys combines experience and intellectual property developed during 25 years of serving research organizations with simulation, bioinformatics, cheminformatics and middleware technology.
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