Mapfre Insurance Co Of Florida Professional
Jun 29th, 2024 at 04:25 Insurance 4413 Town Center PkwyJacksonville, FL 32246 36 views Reference: 232033General Information
Back MAPFRE Insurance Company of ?Florida is a property and casualty insurance company with headquarters in Miami and branches in Orlando, Jacksonville and Tampa. The company is specialized in Personal Automobile Insurance as well as small/medium size commercial lines business with more than 16 years of continuous presence in the Floridian market.?MAPFRE Insurance Company of Florida wrote more than $20 million in premiums in 2007 continuing with its steady growth, through more than 150 independent agents across Florida and branch offices in Miami, Orlando, Tampa and Jacksonville.MAPFRE GROUP is comprised by 250 companies. Our Principal markets are Spain, Europe and Latin America. MAPFRE has 30, 615 personas employees worldwide, ( 16.671 in Spain, 12.418 in America and 1.526 in other countries ).Our business portfolio encompasses all lines of business in the insurance arena. In Spain we also manage Investment Funds and Retirement Plans as well as real estate services and other services activities.In 2007 MAPFRE's total consolidated revenues were in excess of 15.200 millions of Euros, of which more than 12.300 millions of Euros were premiums both primary and reinsurance.MAPFRE's gross profits were 1.365, 7 milllions of euros in 2007 and our total consolidated assets were close to 45.000 millions of Euros.
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Location Description
St Johns Town Center North
Windy Hill, Southeast Jacksonville
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