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Malibu Poke Professional

Jun 21st, 2024 at 02:18   Restaurants   3888 Oak Lawn Ave Ste 102Dallas, TX 75219   69 views Reference: 10421

0.0 star

General Information

Raising the bar for a poke restaurant, Jon Alexis (owner of Dallas's Best Seafood, TJ's Seafood), teamed up with Matt McCallister (FT33, Homewood) to open Malibu Poke in 2017. With fresh seafood delivered daily, partnerships with local farmers, and sauces made in-house, Malibu Poke offers both signature recipes as well as build your own bowl options. Ordering takes place on a hi-tech kiosk that shows you images of the food. Very friendly to dietary restrictions!Raising the bar for a poke restaurant, Jon Alexis (owner of Dallas's Best Seafood, TJ's Seafood), teamed up with Matt McCallister (FT33, Homewood) to open Malibu Poke in 2017. With fresh seafood delivered daily, partnerships with local farmers, and sauces made in-house, Malibu Poke offers both signature recipes as well as build your own bowl options. Ordering takes place on a hi-tech kiosk that shows you images of the food. Very friendly to dietary restrictions!

Opening Information

Regular Hours
Mon - Sun:11:00 am - 9:00 pm


Central Dallas, Oak Lawn

Website: http://www.malibupoke.com

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