Maitland Importers Professional
Jun 29th, 2024 at 13:39 Auto Services 1008 W Church StOrlando, FL 32805 22 views Reference: 259554Location: 1008 W Church StOrlando, FL 32805
General Information
Brake Repair (brakepad/shoe replacement etc.) Check Engine Light and Performance Test Cooling System Repair (hoses, thrmostat, water pump, radiator replacement etc.) Driveline repair (cv axles, differential repair, wheel bearings, u-joint or drive shaft repair Timing belt/chain service Steering and suspension repair(tie rods, ball joints, control arms, power steering pumps, gear boxes, rack and pinions, shocks and struts) Wheel alignments Tire flat repairs New tire replacement Tire balancing Tune up (spark plugs, spark plug wires, distributor cap, ignition rotor, pcv valve, air filter and fuel filter) Electrical testing and repair (power windows, power door locks, interior/exterior lights, battery starting charging system testing and repair, starters, alternators) Manufacturer scheduled maintenance (transmission fluid service, cooling system service, brake fluid service, power steering fluid service, fuel injection and induction services etc.) Engine a nd transmission repair (oil leaks, noises etc.) Belt replacement (serpentine/drive belt) Inspections (prepurchase/trip/ preventative maintenance) Exhuast and emission system repair (manifolds, catalytic converters, mufflers) Oil and filter services (conventional and synthetic oils)
Opening Information
Mon - Fri: | 8:30 am - 6:00 pm |
Sat - Sun | Closed |
Other Information(s)
Specialties: Foreign, Import Cars
Accepted Payment Method(s)
all Major Credit Cards, Debit, Check
auto servicesWhen you call, Don't forget to mention PortUGo whenever you will call to user. Be safe during payment.