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Law Office Of Javier Martinez Professional

Jun 22nd, 2024 at 06:46   Legal Services   2035 Grant AveEl Paso, TX 79930   38 views Reference: 37759

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General Information

Seeking help after an injury is not always as easy as making a call but at the Law Office of Javier Martinez, Jr., P.C. it is that easy. No sooner will you understand the process of fighting your workers’ compensation or personal injury case than when you reach out to us. We take pride in our ability to be transparent and thorough every step of the process. Often times victims have already spoken to a lawyer but are looking for clarity, reassurance, and trust in the representative who will take on their case. Our knowledge and ability to handle even the most complex of cases will put at an advantage to successfully achieve a fair compensation. Our experience and success are unmatched to those of other local law offices in El Paso and Hobbs, NM. We stand by our word and look forward to proving our ability to win your case.

Opening Information

Regular Hours
Mon - Fri:8:00 am - 5:00 pm
Sat - SunClosed

Accepted Payment Method(s)



Highland Park

Website: https://www.lawofficeofjaviermartinezjr.com

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