Kwik Kar Lube & Tune Professional
Jun 24th, 2024 at 06:27 Auto Services 26737 Us Highway 380 EAubrey, TX 76227 18 views Reference: 112402Location: 26737 Us Highway 380 EAubrey, TX 76227
General Information
Air Conditioning Service: Kwik Kar offers a special air conditioning performance service to identify any problems and can diagnose and repair your air conditioning system regardless of manufacturer. Air Filter Service: As part of the Kwik Kar 20 point oil change service, we visually inspect the engine air filtration system components and recommend replacement, as necessary. Battery Maintenance: Kwik Kar offers customers the value-added benefit of a battery service and stocks one of the most complete lines of automotive batteries available. Brake Maintenance: From brake pad replacement, maintaining rotors, replacing wheel cylinders, to addressing Anti-Lock Brake System issues, Kwik Kar provides full repair service for all your vehicle's brake components. Cabin Air Filter Service : A cabin air filter, installed at Kwik Kar, can block 99.5% of the pollutants entering your vehicle. Differential Service : Gearbox fluid provides lubrication for the sets of bearings, shafts and gears located in the different types of gearboxes which operate under high stress and high heat. Engine Diagnostic Service : If something malfunctions, a "Check Engine" light will illuminate indicating a problem with the Ignition System, Fuel System or Emission Control System. Kwik Kar's Fuel Filter service includes: Removal of old fuel filter, Installing a new quality fuel filter, Inspection for leaks after installation Routine fuel injection system maintenance helps avoid expensive repairs and restores the fuel system to its original design for maximum performance and fuel economy and minimum emissions. Full Service Oil and Lube : It's not just an oil change. It's a preventative maintenance program designed to maintain the saftey and extend the life of your vehicle. PCV Valve Service : The engine air filtration system aids in filtering the air's contaminants and helps to ensure the correct air/fuel mixture. Full Power Steering System Flush Service includes: Removes the old fluid from the reservoir, Vacuum flushes the entire system, Refills the system with the recommended fluid. Radiator Flush Service: A Kwik Kar Radiator Flush Service removes up to 95% of contaminated coolant and replaces it with fresh coolant to help prevent minor leaks, foaming and corrosion. Scheduled Maintenance: To keep your Manufacturers Warranty intact, Kwik Kar offers Scheduled Maintenance Services typically for less than your dealer will charge for the same service.
Opening Information
Mon - Fri: | 8:00 am - 6:00 pm |
Sat: | 7:30 am - 4:30 pm |
Sun | Closed |
Location Description
Shocks and struts are one of the critical components that control your vehicle’s steering, stopping and stability. As they begin to wear or degrade, they lose their ability to control lean or sway and provide tire grip or adhesion when encounteri
Accepted Payment Method(s)
all Major Credit Cards
Paloma Creek
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