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Joe Repair Co Professional

Jun 24th, 2024 at 02:04   Auto Services   2207 S Western StAmarillo, TX 79109   32 views Reference: 104737
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General Information

We are "Your Everything Battery Guys"

The average person uses 20 battery powered devices a day and we supply the batteries for them all!
From cars and trucks, motorcycle and boats to wrist watches and cell phones we have EVERY battery you could ever need. AA and AAA alkalines for remotes and clock, watch batteries and replacement batteries for you car key fobs are just the beginning. 
In electronics we supply laptop, GPS, hobby cars and planes and almost any other type of battery including cameras and camcorders.
We have many types of batteries for cars, trucks, commercial equipment, motorcycles, ATVs, Golf Carts, Boats or really anything that moves you. Also, check out our line of battery chargers. 
We also repair many types of batteries and devices like tool batteries and broken phone screens.
Repairing cell phones, mobile phones, smart phones is a big part of our business. Our trained technicians can fix a smart phone, ipad or iPod in less than a day. We can fix broken screens, broken glass, home buttons, speakers and most any hardware issue you may have. 
So you see Battery Joe is your one stop shop for all things phone repair or battery related.

Opening Information

Regular Hours
Mon - Fri:8:00 am - 7:00 pm
Sat:9:00 am - 6:00 pm

Location Description

Central Amarillo at I-40 and Western next to Michaels and Hoagies Deli

Southwest Amarillo across from Wal-Mart next to Pac-A-Sack and the AT&T Store

Accepted Payment Method(s)

debit, Check, All Major Credit Cards

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