Jackson's Auto Service Professional
Jun 24th, 2024 at 01:54 Auto Services 215 Bowie StAmarillo, TX 79106 25 views Reference: 104138Location: 215 Bowie StAmarillo, TX 79106
General Information
Finding an honest, trustworthy, and skilled mechanic can be a daunting task - how do you know you're not going to get ripped off? What if you don't have time to get several estimates? What if you need to just drop your car off, and be ready to drive away the next day? Fortunately there is an answer to these questions: Jackson's Auto Service. We've been giving drivers honest, trustworthy service for more than thirty years, and will keep on doing so. You can have complete confidence that the job will be done right. We know that the best way to stay in business is to have our own customers recommend us, and we will do everything we can to ensure your complete satisfaction. Specializes in: Brakes & Brake systems - brake pads or shoes, resurface drums or rotors, hydraulics - calipers, wheel cylinders, brake hoses All General Auto repairs for Asian & American Cars Brakes, Tune-ups, Heating & air-conditioning, electrical, diagnostics, engine repairs, steering & suspension, state inspections, cooling systems, alternators, starters, water pumps, timing belts, Cooling systems - radiator, water pumps, flushes
Opening Information
Mon - Fri: | 8:00 am - 5:30 pm |
Sat - Sun | Closed |
- Air Conditioning & Heating
- Tires, Wheels & Alignments
- Steering & Suspension Systems
- Engine Service
- Brake Service
- Scheduled Maintenance & Tune Ups
- Ignition & Electrical Systems
- Cooling Systems
- State Inspections & Smog
Other Information(s)
Services: Air Conditioning & Heating, Tires, Wheels & Alignments, Steering & Suspension Systems, Engine Service, Brake Service, Scheduled Maintenance & Tune Ups, Ignition & Electrical Systems, Cooling Systems, State Inspections & Smog
Appointment Needed: No
Brands Serviced: Volkswagen, FIAT, Lexus, MINI, Lamborghini, Rolls-Royce, Jaguar, Infiniti, Hyundai, Audi, Mazda, Mercedes-Benz, Buick, Lincoln, Kia, Toyota, Mitsubishi, Subaru, Scion, Alfa Romeo, SRT, Freightliner, GMC, Ford, Maserati, BMW, Acura, Lotus, Tesla, Bentley, Ram, McLaren, Nissan, Dodge, Jeep, Aston Martin, Porsche, Chevrolet, Ferrari, Chrysler, Volvo, Honda, smart, Cadillac, Land Rover
Warranties: Yes
Accepted Payment Method(s)
check, Discover, Visa, Mastercard
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