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Green Volt EV Electric Bikes Professional

Jun 22nd, 2024 at 12:48   Auto Services   5902 Kostoryz RdCorpus Christi, TX 78415   38 views Reference: 55277
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General Information

We are concentrating on getting electric bicycles (Bikes) on the road and not just for recreation but for major transportation purposes. In today's economy, an Electric Bike is an EXCEPTIONALLY good idea! These bikes look like regular bicycles and they are also super cool looking. You can ride regularly for exercise or just turn on the troddle and cruise with no physical exertion - going up to 25 miles per hour with 40 miles range on the battery - WOW! Here is some additional great news..... you don't need a special license plate, no inspection or driver's license to ride these bikes!. Just follow your city's regular bicycle riding laws. We are still available to convert your own personal vehicle, bicycle , boat or motorcycle to a totally electric mode of transportation. Call us to view THE NIGHT RIDER, a previously gasoline powered car that has been converted to a totally electric. Let us do that to your car or put together a kit so you can fix it up yourself. Like us on Facebook and visit us on greenvoltev.com.

Opening Information

Regular Hours
Mon - Fri:10:00 am - 2:00 pm
Sat - Sun:9:00 am - 5:00 pm

Location Description

SOUTHSIDE Corpus Christi Texas 78415 at the intersection of Kostoryz and Crestwater close to Holly - on Kostoryz between Holly and Saratoga

Accepted Payment Method(s)

financing Available, Cash, Check


South Side

Website: http://greenvoltev.com

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