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Greatstate Transmissions Professional

Jun 22nd, 2024 at 12:39   Auto Services   3487 S Padre Island DrCorpus Christi, TX 78415   50 views Reference: 54696

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General Information

Greatstate Transmissions is a Christian; family owned and operated company with more than 20 years of experience in the automotive industry. Our fast and friendly staff is dedicated to honest and quality repair service. Year Business Was Established: 1978 What initially interested you in starting your own business? My wife and I bought this existing business in February 2000 after looking at several automobile business in the Corpus Christi area. What was the most difficult obstacle you had to overcome in getting your business started? The most difficult obstacle we had to overcome in purchasing this business was financial, but God supplied everything we needed. What's the most challenging aspect of running your business in today's economic conditions? The most challenging aspect of running our business in today's economy (recent fuel price increases) is finding ways to keep repair costs low and still be able to provide top quality service to our valued customers. If there was one critical factor to consider in running a successful business, what would that be? One critical factor in running a successful business is customer relations. Customer satisfaction is vital. What is your primary business philosophy? Our primary business philosophy is honesty. What is the most enjoyable part of running your business? The most enjoyable part of running my own business is having the freedom to make the financial choices that I feel are best for the company. What's the most important thing you have learned in starting and operating your own business? The most important thing we have learned in operating this business is to have top quality staff that you can rely on. What changes do you foresee in the future that will have a major influence on how you manage your business? The technology is rapidly changing and it is important to keep up with the current transmission diagnostic information. We accept Care Care 1

Other Information(s)

Parking: Free

Wheelchair Accessible: Yes

Specialties: Fleets, Trucks

Location Description

Located On S. Padre Island Dr. Between Kostoryz & Carroll Lane

Accepted Payment Method(s)

discover, Visa, All Major Credit Cards, Mastercard, Travelers Checks, Debit, Cash


South Side

Website: http://www.greatstatetransmission.com

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