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Gallura Professional

Jul 1st, 2024 at 12:03   Restaurants   6345 Collins Ave Ste 23, Miami Beach, FL 33141   50 views Reference: 260087

0.0 star

General Information

Gallura is an original Sardinian restaurant, known for its one of a kind dishes. Our team welcomes you and makes you feel like you are at home in every possible way. We combine delicious food with the best Italian wines. Along with being able to dine inside our restaurant, you have the option of eating outside by our pool area. Anything you would like we will be able to give it to you, starting from food to drinks.Gallura is an original Sardinian restaurant, known for its one of a kind dishes. Our team welcomes you and makes you feel like you are at home in every possible way. We combine delicious food with the best Italian wines. Along with being able to dine inside our restaurant, you have the option of eating outside by our pool area. Anything you would like we will be able to give it to you, starting from food to drinks.

Opening Information

Regular Hours
Mon - Sun:11:00 am - 11:00 pm


North Shore

Website: https://www.facebook.com/gallurarestaurant

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