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Forcefield Paint Shield Professional

Jun 24th, 2024 at 10:53   Auto Services   1865 Mcgee LnLewisville, TX 75077   17 views Reference: 118390
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General Information

Paint Protection Film (PPF) protects the leading edge of your vehicle from damage caused by rocks, gravel, salt and insects through the application of a thin and virtually invisible urethane film. This film is a rugged eight mil (.008) clear urethane plastic with a clear-coat finish for maximum shine. If you have ever been disgusted looking at the damage to your painted front-end surfaces (hood, bumper, fenders, mirror backs) caused by regular day-to-day driving, this is the solution you have been looking for!The owners of ALL vehicles will see a reduction in rock chips with the installation of this material. Your vehicle is an expensive purchase! Even if you plan to drive it until its wheels fall off, why not protect the paint to help it last as long as possible? If you prefer to have a new car every few years, then you will appreciate the increased trade-in value your car will receive when the front end is not covered in rock chips! No matter what you call the product, ppf, paint protection film, rock chip protection, stone guard, rock guard, car bra, clear car bra; its all the same and at Forcefield Paint Shield, we are the experts you should choose!

Opening Information

Regular Hours
Mon - Sun:10:00 am - 6:00 pm

Accepted Payment Method(s)

cash, Discover, Invoicing Available, Master Card, Visa

Website: http://www.forcefieldpaintshield.com

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