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English Color & Supply Professional

Jun 21st, 2024 at 06:19   Auto Services   1007 E Pioneer Dr Ste 110Irving, TX 75061   79 views Reference: 21250

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General Information

Raised in Dallas, graduating from Woodrow Wilson High School in 1942. He took great pride in having graduated from Texas A&M University, Class of '46, with a Business degree. He was a Commander of Company F Infantry in the Corps of Cadets. Bob was an accomplished businessman who founded English Color & Supply, Inc in 1946. The company has evolved from selling automotive batteries out of a panel truck to becoming one of the largest distributors of automotive paint and supplies with 41 locations in 6 states. Even after Bob's retirement, he continued to have an active role in an advisory capacity and strived to maintain a personal relationship with his dedicated employees. He worked tirelessly as an active leader in the automotive industry and his community, in which he was honored to receive many distinguished awards. He was a 32 degree Mason, A C Garrett Masonic Lodge, a former member of St. John's Episcopal Church Dallas, and has been a long-time active member of St. Luke's Episcopal Church Dallas Bob was a strong-willed man with a keen sense of humor. He was passionate about his love for his family, traveling the world, and enjoying a good dessert before any meal. Above all, Bob was known by his friends for his love of a good Aggie joke, so much so that he was given the nickname "Aggie Bob", which was how he was identified for decades. He is survived by his wife of 18 years, Marijo English. His son Jim English and wife Anita, children Jeff English and wife Lisa, and Stacey English. Daughter Laura English Burnett and husband Phil, children Jason Burnett and wife Alesia, Julie Burnett Seedig and husband Lyle, Shelley Burnett and fianc Steven Collora. And 7 precious great-grandchildren. Step daughter Janet Hranicky Galitzer and husband Michael, and children Justin, Hayley, Connor, and Grant, and his lifelong friend Jack (Grover) Broxson.

Opening Information

Regular Hours
Mon - Fri:8:00 am - 5:00 pm
Sat:8:00 am - 12:00 pm

Accepted Payment Method(s)

mastercard, Financing Available, Visa, Amex, Insurance

Website: http://www.englishcolor.com

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