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Eclipse Window Tinting Inc Professional

Jun 29th, 2024 at 05:46   Auto Services   3046 Marbon Estates CtJacksonville, FL 32223   20 views Reference: 237403
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General Information

Eclipse Window Tinting Inc would like to thank you for the opportunity to do business with you in the future and for taking the time to visit our website. Eclipse Window Tinting was founded and incorporated during 2003 in Jacksonville, Florida by the owner/founder Bryan Corder. Bryan has been in the window film industry over 20 years. He first started his window tinting skills in Washington State; there he rapidly advanced in the artistic skills of applying solar control window film on vehicles, home, and commercial buildings. Bryan worked for two well known window tinting shops in Kennewick, Washington, and then relocated to Spokane, Washington. In Spokane his work ethics, superior skills, and customer service resulted in him becoming a manager of one of the three stores. Bryan then relocated to Jacksonville, Florida in 2002, working for a local tint shop in Jacksonville before opening his own business in 2003. He prides himself in his superior window film knowledge, and his superior skill installing window film on vehicles, homes, and businesses. He listens to his potential clients and gives them what they (the client) want to accomplish with their window film purchase. He extensively researches window film products, to give his clients state of the art, long lasting products. His research, knowledge, and skills have resulted in Eclipse Window Tinting having no unsatisfied customer in 5 years in business, and not a single failed product or a single warranty claim. Eclipse Window Tinting and Bryan's mission is to give our clients the best service, superior quality window film products, and the best professional installation. Eclipse Window Tinting would like to thank you for letting us get to know you a little bit better, and giving us the opportunity to do business with you.

Opening Information

Regular Hours
Mon - Fri:9:00 am - 5:00 pm
Sat:10:00 am - 3:00 pm

Other Information(s)

Parking: Street

Accepted Payment Method(s)

discover, Master Card, Visa


Julington Creek, Southeast Jacksonville

Website: http://www.eclipse-window-tinting-inc.com

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