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DogBoarding@Benjamin's Professional

Jun 21st, 2024 at 02:44   Pet Services   4619 Ross AveDallas, TX 75204   44 views Reference: 11398

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General Information

I currently offer doggy daycare (in addition to overnight boarding)! I’d be happy to keep your pup entertained while you’re away for the day. You never have to go to a kennel again! While you are away your pets can vacay too...safely!!! Book your reservation now while there's still available space....(In most cases, I only accept one family at a time, but please contact me anyways to see if I could fit your pet/pets in or book in advance to ensure your pet's space).Note: at this time, I only offer sitting for dogs; I don’t currently accept cats. Thank you! All dogs are gladly received, small, medium and large. I live near Downtown, Dallas, about 1 mile away... I am 55 years of age and absolutely love taking care of pets. I'll often take the dogs for walks to the park, my cozy Apartment is extremely pet friendly inside and out, I work from home online, so your pets will not be alone all day, but have a great and supervised stay! Your pets will enjoy my Apartment as well as my Benjamin does. While you are away we can Skype for you to speak with your pets. This is my Skype info. robert.williams762,,, Benjamin and I will enjoy hosting your pet(s) stay/vacay. Get your special quote now, book your pet(s) reservation with me today. Your pets are safe with me. I use safe, effective training/behavioral techniques that's healthy, nurturing and positive for all parties. Thanks for reading my profile!!

Accepted Payment Method(s)

visa, Discover, Mastercard, All Major Credit Cards, Debit, Paypal

Website: http://dogvacay.com/pro/robert

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