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Davidson Car Care Professional

Jun 22nd, 2024 at 16:27   Auto Services   805 S Greenville AveAllen, TX 75002   36 views Reference: 65587
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General Information

With over 25 years of serving the Allen area, it is no wonder that Davidson Car Care's reputation of fair quality service is known beyond the Allen borders. It is not uncommon for people to drive to Allen for service. That says a lot for an auto repair shop. Davidson Car Care is dedicated to service! It is a family-owned and operated business with owner Bill Davidson and his wife Cindy working as a team to bring quality service to Allen. Bill Davidson has been in the auto repair business for 36 years, successfully building customer loyalty along the way. Bill is also dedicated to serving the community of Allen. He has served on the Board of Directors of the Allen Chamber of Commerce and the Allen Rotary Club and supports Allen Community Outreach and Allen Sports Association along with many other charitable organizations in the Allen area. Davidson Car Care is a NAPA Auto Care Center, which provides almost all repairs and maintenance needed to keep your vehicle running smoothly. For the best service possible, our staff is always available to answer any questions our customers may have about their vehicles. Our customers can be assured that with our many years of experience in the auto industry, we will give them accurate and reliable answers. To insure the quality of work done, the technicians are ASE certified. With two master technicians on staff and "state of the art" equipment, there is not much that we can't handle. The recently remodeled facility offers a comfortable waiting area for our customers that offers a children's play area and customer business center. Davidson Car Care has a nationwide 12-month/12, 000-mile warranty through the NAPA Auto Care program on all of their repairs. When you come to a NAPA Auto Care Center for your maintenance and repair work they strive to get your work done right the first time. Napa Auto Care's "Peace of Mind" warranty guarantees it. Keeping with the time, Davidson Car Care is a state approved emissions repair facility under the Texas Air Care program, a member of the Better Business Bureau, and a member of the Allen Chamber of Commerce. When you bring your vehicle to Davidson Car Care, you get the "quality service you deserve".

Opening Information

Regular Hours
Mon - Fri:8:00 am - 6:30 pm
Sat:8:00 am - 6:00 pm


Diesel Fuel

Other Information(s)

Parking: Lot

Accepted Payment Method(s)

master Card, Discover, Amex, Visa

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