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Cinnaholic Professional

Jun 22nd, 2024 at 13:28   Restaurants   6975 Lebanon Rd Ste 306Frisco, TX 75034   34 views Reference: 57062

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General Information

Cinnaholic is a locally owned and operated bakery specializing in custom gourmet cinnamon rolls and homemade cookie dough, brownies, and cookies. We offer a unique experience with over 40 different frostings and toppings, so the cinnamon roll flavor possibilities are endless! We cater to any size event with customizable catering options. All of our products are made with the highest quality ingredients and are 100% vegan, dairy & lactose-free, egg-free, and cholesterol-free.Cinnaholic is a locally owned and operated bakery specializing in custom gourmet cinnamon rolls and homemade cookie dough, brownies, and cookies. We offer a unique experience with over 40 different frostings and toppings, so the cinnamon roll flavor possibilities are endless! We cater to any size event with customizable catering options. All of our products are made with the highest quality ingredients and are 100% vegan, dairy & lactose-free, egg-free, and cholesterol-free.

Opening Information

Regular Hours
Mon - Sun:9:00 am - 9:00 pm

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