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Chop House Gyro Professional

Jun 21st, 2024 at 02:34   Restaurants   5301 Alpha Rd Ste A12Dallas, TX 75240   59 views Reference: 11155

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General Information

Chop House started with a dream driven by the craving for authentic Mediterranean fast food, a concept that is still new to Texas. The idea was to open a restaurant that offers a menu that bursts with flavor in a contemporary setting that everyone can enjoy whether you are on the run, or have time to stay and enjoy with friends or family. Featuring Our Signature New York style Gyro over rice and Shawarma Roll and Heathy salad.Chop House started with a dream driven by the craving for authentic Mediterranean fast food, a concept that is still new to Texas. The idea was to open a restaurant that offers a menu that bursts with flavor in a contemporary setting that everyone can enjoy whether you are on the run, or have time to stay and enjoy with friends or family. Featuring Our Signature New York style Gyro over rice and Shawarma Roll and Heathy salad.

Opening Information

Regular Hours
Mon - Sat:11:00 am - 9:00 pm
Sun:12:00 pm - 7:00 pm

Website: http://www.chophousegyro.com

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