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Burress Law Firm PLLC Professional

Jun 23rd, 2024 at 10:47   Legal Services   6617 Virginia PkwyMcKinney, TX 75071   30 views Reference: 85144
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General Information

Mr. Burress is a personal injury trial lawyer who helps people who have been hurt or lost loved ones due to someone else's fault. Mr. Burress spent years defending the insurance companies, he understand the strategies he use to try and reduce the value of your claim. Mr. Burress works hard to maximize each case's value early on and put pressure on the insurance company to treat my clients fairly. Many times, Mr. Burress is able to obtain the money his clients deserve without ever having to file a lawsuit. If a lawsuit is necessary, he has the knowledge, experience and resources to skillfully prepare your case and effectively present your story to a jury. Mr. Burress attorneys have handled legal matters in 26 states. He represent clients throughout Texas in both Federal and State courts including Collin, Denton, Dallas, Grayson, Lamar, Rockwall, Hunt, Cooke, Fannin and surrounding Counties.

Opening Information

Regular Hours
Mon - Fri:8:00 am - 5:00 pm

Accepted Payment Method(s)

all Major Credit Cards, Amex, Cash, Check, Discover, Master Card, Visa


Adriatica, Medpark Adriatica Condominiums, Stonebridge Ranch

Website: http://www.mytexasfirm.com

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