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Brake Check Professional

Jun 21st, 2024 at 08:21   Auto Services   San Antonio   32 views Reference: 28137
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Location: San Antonio

General Information

In 1968, John Peveto, II purchased a failing brake repair chain called Brake-O. Who knew that this small company, with just a few stores, would one day grow to a thriving business. Now under the leadership of David Peveto, CEO, and John Peveto, III, COO, Brake Check has grown to 43 stores serving the communities in seven Texas markets. The slogan from the start was Doing It Right and today, we proudly promise to Do It Right - At The Right Price. For our customers, that means we operate seven days a week. We'll stay late to get the job done. We have an open-garage policy that welcomes our customers to come see what we're doing on their cars. And we promise to be the low price leader on all our services; in fact, we compare our prices to dealerships and like-businesses twice a year to make sure we can stand up to scrutiny. While our name indicates the top-notch service we provide on brake repair, we also boast expertise on a wide range of services such as: Oil Change & Air Filter Replacement, Alignments, Tire Balance and Rotation, Engine Diagnostics, Shocks & Struts, Fuel System Flush, Wiper Blade Replacement, Belts & Hoses, CV Axles & Undercarriage Repair and Battery Replacement. And one thing that we do better than anyone else is to offer Lifetime Warranties on many of our services. That means you pay for that part once and you never pay for it again. So, for all your vehicle maintenance needs, we invite you to let Brake Check be your service provider.

Opening Information

Regular Hours
Mon - Sat:7:30 am - 6:00 pm
Sun:9:00 am - 5:00 pm

Accepted Payment Method(s)

amex, Check, Debit, Discover, Master Card, Visa

Website: http://brakecheck.com

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