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Begin Balanced, LLC Professional

Jun 21st, 2024 at 07:22   Pet Services   Austin, TX 78704   68 views Reference: 25097

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General Information

Juliana has spent over 20yrs. raising confident, well-mannered puppies as well as improving the lives of rescued animals and their families. Her mission is to give puppies, dogs, and their people a head start building the foundation for an enjoyable relationship that will last many years to come. In addition to extensive training experience, Juliana is certified by the American College of Emergency Physicians in animal CPR and emergency cardiac care. Juliana's career began as an award-winning athlete. She studied under world-renowned gymnastics coach, Bela Karolyi, and former U.S. Olympic springboard diving coach Dick Kimball. Unfortunately, Juliana suffered a hip injury that ended both her gymnastics and springboard diving careers prematurely. Juliana's experience in athletics became the catalyst for her interest in helping people and animals. Throughout her young life and adulthood, she learned how critical support and understanding are to people; both in facilitating rehabilitation and recovery, and managing relationships in everyday life. After spending 10 years in corporate sales and relationship management, Juliana is fulfilling her humanitarian dream. She is a unique dog trainer who is highly educated, an experienced coach, and people-oriented. Her puppy training program is based on coaching people and helping puppies understand which behaviors their people want from them from the start. To BeginBalanced

Opening Information

Regular Hours
Mon - Sun:Open 24 Hours

Location Description

located in South Austin and serve the metro Austin area

Accepted Payment Method(s)

check, Paypal, Insurance

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