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Arves Jones Automotive Service Center Professional

Jun 22nd, 2024 at 08:32   Auto Services   10105 Dyer StEl Paso, TX 79924   57 views Reference: 44515

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General Information

Arves Jones Automotive started out as a full service gas station and repair shop at Hondo Pass and Dyer. It was originally run by Arves Jones Sr and his three children Arves Jr, Wayne, and Marty. The business moved to its current location in January 1986. Arves' daughter Marty is now in charge of the business and her two children are now working by her side to continue the family tradition. Arves Jones was very active in the northeast community and held many political offices. Arves Jones Automotive carries on the legacy by participating in many charitable causes and events.

Marty is the owner and manager of Arves Jones Automotive. She has been working in the business since 1971. She was one of the first females in El Paso to become a certified State Inspector. She has  earned several training certificates through The National Institute for Automotive Service Excellence. She has two adult children who also work with her at Arves Jones Automotive.

Opening Information

Regular Hours
Mon - Fri:7:30 am - 5:30 pm
Sat:8:00 am - 1:00 pm

Other Information(s)

Warranties: Yes

Parking: Lot

Brands Serviced: Volkswagen, FIAT, Lexus, MINI, Lamborghini, Rolls-Royce, Jaguar, Infiniti, Hyundai, Audi, Mazda, Mercedes-Benz, Buick, Lincoln, Kia, Toyota, Mitsubishi, Subaru, Scion, Alfa Romeo, SRT, Freightliner, GMC, Ford, Maserati, BMW, Acura, Lotus, Tesla, Bentley, Ram, McLaren, Nissan, Dodge, Jeep, Aston Martin, Porsche, Chevrolet, Ferrari, Chrysler, Volvo, Honda, smart, Cadillac, Land Rover

Services: Tires, Wheels & Alignments, Steering & Suspension Systems, Fuel, Emission & Exhaust Systems, Engine Service, Brake Service, Transmission & Drive Train Services, Scheduled Maintenance & Tune Ups, Cooling Systems

Appointment Needed: Yes

Location Description

Corner of Dyer and McCombs

Accepted Payment Method(s)

visa, Amex, Discover, Debit, Check, Company Card, Insurance, Mastercard

Website: http://www.arvesjonesautomotive.com

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