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All Creatures Pet Lodge Professional

Jun 29th, 2024 at 09:34   Pet Services   1675 Tuskawilla RdOviedo, FL 32765   37 views Reference: 247865

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General Information

Welcome to All Creatures Pet Lodge. We are a full service Boarding and Grooming facility that specializes in taking great care of any indoor domesticated house pets. That's right! Any indoor house pets, including Pigs, Rabbits, Mice, Birds, Lizards, Fish, Turtles, etc. etc. etc. You name it. If you love um, so do we. Usually however, furry critters of the dog and cat variety are who we cater to most often. Whatever kind of pet you have you can rest assured that your pet will receive excellent care from our well trained pet loving staff. We will always go out of our way to serve you and your loved ones. All Creatures Pet Lodge now offers three types of boarding, Super Suites, Semi Suites and FUN-RUNS. Super Suites and Semi Suites are for pampered or perhaps elderly pets where privacy is of great importance to relax and take it easy ( T.V. or Radio upon request ). For those social butterflies or high energy quests, we offer FUN-RUNS. FUN-Runs are large 4 foot by 15-foot individual runs for either one pet or a family of pets. The FUN-Runs allow for pups to see and hear other furry friends without actually coming in contact with them. That way they get all the fun and excitement of meeting new friends with out the possibility of a dangerous encounter from a not so friendly neighbor. Don't worry, we haven't forgotten about those adorable felines. All Creatures Pet Lodge offers a brand NEW Cattery which is equipped with Kitty Cottages with a bird atrium view just for the guests. The Bird Atrium houses several different types of finches just for feline entertainment. If you prefer however, we do offer other condo accommodations located at our entrance so they can play with and be spoiled by anyone who walks through the door.

Opening Information

Regular Hours
Mon - Fri:7:00 am - 6:00 pm

Other Information(s)

Parking: Lot

Accepted Payment Method(s)

visa, Discover, Mastercard

Website: https://allcreaturespetlodge.com

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