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Activ-ate Professional

Jun 29th, 2024 at 08:38   Restaurants   11062 International DrOrlando, FL 32821   36 views Reference: 245131

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General Information

Acai Bowl & Smoothie Station. Our fruits and vegetables are always Florida Fresh. We are an organic and vegan friendly shop. We care about our community, environment, team and making it a one of a kind experience for our clients. We have a variety of items. Acai Bowls, Pitaya Bowls, Smoothies, Cold Pressed Juices and Café.Acai Bowl & Smoothie Station. Our fruits and vegetables are always Florida Fresh. We are an organic and vegan friendly shop. We care about our community, environment, team and making it a one of a kind experience for our clients. We have a variety of items. Acai Bowls, Pitaya Bowls, Smoothies, Cold Pressed Juices and Café.

Opening Information

Regular Hours
Mon - Sat:9:30 am - 9:00 pm
Sun:12:00 pm - 3:00 pm

Website: http://www.activatebowls.com

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