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8 Burger Professional

Jul 1st, 2024 at 12:39   Restaurants   1551 SW 8th St, Miami, FL 33135   41 views Reference: 262122
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General Information

8 Burger is a Burger Restaurant and Bar that was born as an inspiration to find an authentic, and honest space with Latin warmth but not leaving behind the constant pursue of the flavor of a "food" that has been lost by the dynamics of our modern way of life. Our cuisine with unique flavors, friendly and cordial people, is a space dedicated to the public who wants to know the true Urban Food made with passion and love, that simple fare that longs and miss the good 'ole seasoning, without much luxury or excess of ingredients. Urban food grilled! Our dishes and hamburgers are made in a kiln oven "Josper". Our menu is elaborated with simplicity to promote the consumption of local natural products with high quality.8 Burger is a Burger Restaurant and Bar that was born as an inspiration to find an authentic, and honest space with Latin warmth but not leaving behind the constant pursue of the flavor of a "food" that has been lost by the dynamics of our modern way of life. Our cuisine with unique flavors, friendly and cordial people, is a space dedicated to the public who wants to know the true Urban Food made with passion and love, that simple fare that longs and miss the good 'ole seasoning, without much luxury or excess of ingredients. Urban food grilled! Our dishes and hamburgers are made in a kiln oven "Josper". Our menu is elaborated with simplicity to promote the consumption of local natural products with high quality.

Opening Information

Regular Hours
Mon - Sun:11:00 am - 6:00 pm

Website: https://420hq.com/contact

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